Dungeons and Dragons Movie Review
Dungeons and Dragons Movie: Why It Missed The Mark
Dungeons and Dragons is a world-renowned game first made in 1974, since then it has taken the gaming world by storm. Boasting 13.7 million players worldwide in 2022 anything associated with this game has very high expectations. This movie had all the resources in the world and rolled a nat 1 for almost every category.
The Plot (3/10)
The plot was ok at best. It went in more directions than I can count for a movie that is only 2hr 14min. The movie was simultaneously the most predictable movie I have ever watched, and the most confusing plot I have ever tried to understand. Most of the movie seemed to be just filler for the final scene and none of it seemed particularly connected.
The Theme (8/10)
Surprisingly the theme was pretty clear. Throughout the whole movie, they developed a theme of friendship and love. If I were to put the theme into a sentence it would be, "Friendship shows no bounds, with the right friends you can accomplish anything." The theme and moral of the movie were constantly repeated and very well presented. This is definitely the highest-scoring section for this movie.
The Dialogue (6/10)
Similar to the plot the dialogue seemed to be confusing yet predictable. Most of the lines were extremely corny and or predictable. One of the main characters Holga Kilgore was particularly predictable and every single line she said was corny. The only reason this section deserves a six is because the lines were pretty funny. They were poorly written and predictable, but they sure made me laugh.
Cinematography (8/10)
It could have been much worse. A very important part of every fantasy movie is special effects. When trying to portray magic on screen it can ruin a movie to have bad effects. Luckily this movie had a fairly substantial budget of 150 Million dollars. The special effects were nothing crazy, but they got the job done. They got the point across and didn't look out of place.
Overall (6/10)
For a movie with so much attention, it kinda let me down. The plot was an absolute dumpster fire and the dialogue was right there with it. The whole movie seemed both too long and rushed. It was hard to follow and poorly executed. The only saving grace of this movie was its comedy and its looks. Im sure it will be special to all of those die-hard D&D fans, but for anyone who is not familiar with the world of D&D, this movie is an absolute flop.
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