Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Movie Review.

 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, Why it's a Masterpiece of Cinema and Marvel's Return.

(No Spoilers)

If you are like me, you think Marvel has been in a slump lately. With the release of shows like She-Hulk and Ms.Marvel that dawned the lowest ratings in the history of Marvel, things were not looking good for the MCU. Guardians 3 had all eyes on it and Marvel had to make a comeback. Let me tell you they did. 

The Plot 9/10

This movie has a very interesting and complex plot. From beginning to end the movie has amazing plot points accompanied by a fair amount of plot twists sure to keep the whole audience guessing. There were a few notable plot holes that I will not dive into in an effort to avoid spoiling anything. Overall director James Gunn has created an amazing well developed plot that even I could not predict. 

The Theme 8/10

The overall theme of the movie is okay. It is a little hard to grasp. The movie presents a few different themes but does not do an amazing job of tieing them together. The main theme is that friendship has no bounds. I think that this theme is well developed throughout the course of the film and well executed. 

The Dialogue 9/10

The dialogue is well-developed and hilarious. This movie hits comedy out of the park! Keeping with the trend of the Guardians movies it is sure to make even the most clinical audience member laugh out loud. The only negative with the dialogue is that some parts are a bit cringy. The more sappy lines could have been done a bit better and some of the characters said lines that didn't exactly match their developed personality. Overall it was very good. 

Cinematography 10/10

It is defiantly the most beautiful Guardians movie to date. The creators spared no expense with their green screening and special effects. With so many strange aliens in the movie, it was hard to tell what was green-screened and what was makeup. The immersion in the alien cities that they went through made it all feel real. The color scheme and lighting choices were perfect. The creators also used letterboxing perfectly. The last movie I saw that had this good Cinematography was Bullet Train. 

Overall 9/10

This movie is well-developed and funny. It is sure to keep the attention of the audience and keep them glued to their seats. From the iconic actors to the infamous soundtrack this movie hits every point perfectly. I can say that this movie almost made me cry. The plot was great and the cinematography was stunning. Marvel has finally released a good movie in 2023 and I am optimistic in saying that they have found their groove again. 


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